籤頭故事與解籤 The Stories and Their Metaphors on the Divine Metaphor Papers



   In addition to the main sign in the middle of the temple’s oracle poem, one or two story titles will be listed on the bottom right. The sources of stories are mostly operas, novels, folk tales and slang. Because the ancients didn't know many characters, and those who knew characters and were knowledgeable were even rarer, they were often unable to understand the metaphors of poems on their own. So the questioner needs to use stories to think about the instructions of the gods.


  The way to solve the sign with the story is to overlap the situation of oneself and the protagonist of the story, and to think and experience the solution with empathy. Some signings will have two hanging stories, so you only need to choose one of the stories that is similar to your own situation to think about. 



         The following is a list of stories signed by this temple. Click on the link to watch the story and metaphor:

第1籤 甲子籤 包公請雷驚仁宗
DMP1 Bao Gong Asked the God of Thunder Making Emperor Renzong Very Surprised

第2籤 甲寅籤 陳東初祭梅
DMP2 Chen Dongchu Wanted to Pay Homage to Mei

第2籤 甲寅籤 卦頭故事2 趙子龍救阿斗



第40籤 庚午籤 三元會葛其量夫妻相會

第41籤 庚戌籤 王小姐為色事到禍審英月

第23籤 丁酉籤 周王姐可遇陳春生