第13籤 丙子籤 撐渡伯行船遇太歲 The Ferryman Meets Tai Sui When He Was Working

第13籤 丙子籤 



  When Sister Taohua was about to cross the river, Seeing her cute, the Ferryman agreed with her to sing and praise each other. If Sister Taohua wins, she can cross the river for free, but if  the Ferryman wins, he can marry Sister Taohua as his wife; Sister Taohua and the Ferryman agreed to start with the month, and the Ferryman sang first; there are twelve months in the month, so naturally whoever sings first loses, and the Ferryman had to send Taohua across the river for free.


💜Story Metaphor:

Although it looks like a waste of time without real income, it can get a happy mood that money can't buy.


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