
目前顯示的是 2020的文章

籤頭故事與解籤 The Stories and Their Metaphors on the Divine Metaphor Papers

     廟宇的靈籤除了正中間的主要籤文外,往往會在右下方列出籤頭故事的標題。籤頭故事來源多為戲曲、小說、民間故事和俚語。因為古人識字者不多,識字且學問淵博者更是少數,往往無法自行解籤,所以需要以故事去思考神明的指示為何。    In addition to the main sign in the middle of the temple’s oracle poem, one or two story titles will be listed on the bottom right. The sources of stories are mostly operas, novels, folk tales and slang. Because the ancients didn't know many characters, and those who knew characters and were knowledgeable were even rarer, they were often unable to understand the metaphors of poems on their own. So the questioner needs to use stories to think about the instructions of the gods.    以故事解 籤的方法,就是將自己與故事主角的處境重疊,以同理心去思考及體會解方。有的 籤會有二個掛頭故事,則只需擇取其中一個和自己處境相近的故事去思考即可。   The way to solve the sign with the story is to overlap the situation of oneself and the protagonist of the story, and to think and experience the solution with empathy. Some signings will have two hanging stories, so you only need to choose one of the stories that is similar to your own situatio...

第1籤 甲子籤 包公請雷驚仁宗 Bao Gong Asked the God of Thunder Making Emperor Renzong Very Surprised

第1籤 甲子籤  包公請雷驚仁宗 Bao Gong Asked The God of Thunder Making Emperor Renzong Very Surprised     北宋 官員 包拯 因清廉公正聞名,被稱譽為「包青天」,又被尊稱為「包公」並奉為神明崇拜。 道 教中以其為文曲星轉世,往生後成為地獄第五殿閻羅之一,亦稱森羅殿主及閻羅天子、包府千歲、文曲星君。   During the Northern Song Dynasty in China, the official Bao Zheng was known for his integrity and justice. He was known as "Justice Bao", and he was also honored as "Bao Gong" and worshipped as a god. In Taoism, he was regarded as the reincarnation of Wisdom Star, and after his death he became one of Yama ( the God in the fifth hall of hell).   民間傳說中,在 包公 即將要到 開封 府任職時, 仁宗 對於 包公 的能力有所顧忌, 包公 再三向 仁宗 保證,但 仁宗 依然不放心,於是 包公 只好仰天請雷作見証,沒多久果然落下響雷,使得 仁宗 非常驚訝,於是就讓 包公 上任就職,再也不質疑 包公 了。   According to folklore, when Bao Gong was about to take office in Kaifeng Mansion, Emperor Renzong had doubts about Bao Gong’s abilities. Bao Gong repeatedly assured Renzong, but Renzong was still not at ease, so Bao Gong had to ask the God of Thunder to testify. It didn't take long for the thunder to fall...

第2籤 甲寅籤 陳東初祭梅 Chen Dongchu Wanted to Pay Homage to Mei

第2籤 甲寅籤  陳東初祭梅 Chen Dongchu Wanted to Pay Homage to Mei    陳東初 ( 陳日升 )為 唐德宗 時期官員,被宰相 盧杞 所害,他的好友 梅伯高 要救他,卻也遭陷害滿門被斬,僅 梅良玉 一人逃出。    Chen Dongchu was an official in the Dezong period of the Tang Dynasty and was framed by Prime Minister Lu Qi. His good friend Mei Bogao wanted to save him, but was also framed and the whole family was beheaded. Only Mei Liangyu escaped.    陳東初 因此辭官隱居 楊州 ,巧遇落難而化名為 王喜童 的 梅良玉 救了他,並讓他管理家中梅園。在 梅伯高 的忌日時, 陳東初 在梅園要祭拜梅伯高,忽然梅花遇風雪都謝了, 陳東初 很傷心,發誓除非梅花再開,證明 梅 家有後,否則要出家。 陳東初 的女兒 杏元 誠心祈求神明讓梅花再開,果真二度花開,並發現 梅良玉 為摯友之後, 陳東初 因此將女兒許配給 梅良玉 為妻。   Chen Dongchu resigned from his official position and lived in Yangzhou. Mei Liangyu, who was renamed Wang Xitong, rescued him and asked him to manage the plum garden at home. On the anniversary of Mei Bogao's death, Chen Dongchu wanted to pay homage to Mei Bogao in the plum garden. Suddenly, the plum blossoms died of wind and snow. Chen Dongchu was very sad and vowed to become a monk unless the plum blossoms bloom again and prove t...

第2籤 甲寅籤 卦頭故事2 趙子龍救阿斗 Zhao Zilong Saves Adou

第2籤 甲寅籤 卦頭故事2  趙子龍救阿斗 Zhao Zilong saves Adou    趙雲 字 子龍 ,是三國時期的 蜀漢 武將,在著名的 赤壁之戰 前, 曹操 親率大軍打算一舉殲滅 劉備 。在戰亂奔逃中, 劉備 與家眷失散。   Zhao Zilong was a general of Shu Han in China during the Three Kingdoms period. Before the famous Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao led his army to annihilate Liu Bei in one fell swoop. In the chaos of war, Liu Bei was separated from his family.   後來 趙子龍 遇到 劉備 的 縻 夫人,夫人將其子 阿斗 托付給 趙子龍 。 趙子龍 想將馬交給夫人以利其出逃,但夫人不肯接受投井而死。之後 趙子龍 懷抱著 阿斗 ,殺出重圍。   Later, Zhao Zilong met Madame Mi, Liu Bei's concubine, and Madame Mi entrusted her son Adou to Zhao Zilong. Zhao Zilong wanted to hand the horse to Madame Mi to let her escape smoothly. But Madame Mi jumped into the well and committed suicide in order to save her son. After that, Zhao Zilong held Ah Dou in his arms and broke out of the siege. ❤故事來源: 元 末 明 初 羅貫中 所著小說《三國演義》 💙縻:音ㄇㄧˊ(音同「迷」) 💜故事喻意: 💜Story Metaphor: 目前的狀況雖然很不好,但值的慶幸的是也不會再更糟了,只要秉持正向信念,全力衝刺,必可得到新生機運。 Although the current situation is very bad, it is fortunate that it will not g...

第3籤 甲辰籤 朱德武入寺相分明 Zhu Dewu Enters The Temple to See Clearly

第3籤 甲辰籤 朱德武入寺相分明 Zhu Dewu Enters The Temple to See Clearly    朱德武 與 張瑞英 兩人結為夫妻後,被 朱催 陷害充軍, 瑞英 則被發遣回娘家後入寺為尼。 德武 幸運的遇到貴人出手相救後,發奮讀書考中狀元。   After Zhu Dewu and Zhang Ruiying were married, Dewu was framed by Zhu Xie to take up the army, and Ruiying was sent back to her natal family to enter the monastery as a nun. After Dewu was lucky enough to meet the nobleman to rescue him, he worked hard to study for the top pick.   回鄉經過 法雲寺 入內行香,見一尼姑與 瑞英 相像,不敢相認。於是 德武 扮作相面先生入寺為女尼看相,確定該位女尼是 瑞英 後,夫妻相認,並找回失落之子,全家團圓。   When he returned to his hometown and passed Fayun Temple to enter the incense, he saw a nun who resembled Ruiying and did not dare to recognize each other. So Dewu pretends to be a fortune teller and enters the temple to see the nun. After confirming that the nun is Ruiying, the husband and wife recognize each other and find their lost son. The family is reunited. 💜故事喻意: 💜Story Metaphor: 努力過後終究會得到美滿的結局 After hard work, you will eventually get a happy ending ---------------------------------...

第4籤 甲午籤 盧龍王次子招親 The Marriages of Dragon King Lu's Second Daughter

第4籤 甲午籤  盧龍王次子招親     盧龍王 是 洞庭湖 龍王,原本將二千金小龍女嫁給 涇川 龍王次子為妻。沒想到 涇川 龍王次子經常尋花問柳、吃喝嫖賭,小龍女予以規勸不但不聽,還對小龍女施暴。 涇川 龍王知道這件事後,對自己的小孩不加以管教,反而強迫小龍女到河邊牧羊。    Dragon King Lu (DK Lu) is the Dragon King of Dongting Lake. He originally married his second daughter Xiaolongnu to the second son of Dragon King Jingchuan  (DK Jing)  as his wife. Unexpectedly, the second son of  DK Jing often used prostitutes and gambling. Xiaolongnu persuaded him, not only did he not listen, but also beat Xiaolongnu. After DK Jing knew about it, he didn't discipline his son, but instead forced Xiaolongnu to go to the river to herd her sheep.    某日, 柳毅 經過 涇川 河邊,受一少婦請託,帶信給她的家人。這少婦就是小龍女,她傳信給 盧 龍王說明自己的遭遇。    One day, Liu Yi passed by the Jingchuan River and was asked by a young woman to bring a letter to her family. This young woman is Xiaolongnu, and she sent a letter to DK Lu to explain her experience.     這件事被 盧龍王 二弟 錢塘 龍...

第5籤 甲申籤 王剪戰袁達 Wang Jian vs. Yuan Da

第5籤 甲申籤  王剪戰袁達 Wang Jian vs. Yuan Da 此故事有二種版本: There are two versions of this story: 版本1: V1:    秦始皇 派 王翦 攻打 燕 國, 燕昭王 向 齊 國求援, 齊襄王 便派 袁達 率部解圍,兩人大戰了數百回合後 袁達 戰敗,被 王翦 斬落馬下。   First Emperor of Qin sent Wang Jian to attack the Kingdom of Yan, and King Yanzhao asked for help from the Kingdom of Qi. King Qi Xiang sent Yuan Da to lead his troops to relieve the siege. After the two fought for hundreds of rounds, Yuan Da was defeated and was smashed by Wang Jian. 💜故事喻意: 💜Story Metaphor: 二強相爭,必有一方吞敗,但勝方也不輕鬆。 When the top two compete, one of them must be defeated, but the winner is not easy to win. 版本2: V 2:    秦 國為併吞六國命 王翦 為大將軍攻打 燕 國, 王翦 在部署軍營期間,遭到 燕 國派遣來的刺客 袁達 所刺殺。   In order to annex the Six Nations, the Kingdom of Qin ordered Wang Jian to attack the Kingdom of Yan as a general. During the deployment of the military camp, Wang Jian was assassinated by the assassin sent by the Kingdom of Yan, Yuan Da. 💜故事喻意: 💜Story Metaphor: 事情有時會有料想不到的意外。 Sometimes things have unexpected ...

第6籤 甲戌籤 鳥精亂宋朝 Bird Spirts Trouble the Song Dynasty

第6籤 甲戌籤  鳥精亂宋朝 Bird Spirts Trouble the Song Dynasty     烏靈聖母 是一老道姑。原是 崔府君 (道教神仙之一)之女,與蛟精結婚長期相處後成了烏龍精,生了三個兒子。    Holy Mother Wuling (HM Wuling) is the daughter of Cui Fujun (one of the Taoist gods). After marrying the Snake Demon for a long time, she became an Oolong Demon and gave birth to three sons.   蛟精及其兒子們因作惡多端,被 許真君 (即 許遜 ,道教神仙之一)所斬殺。然而 許真君 卻放走烏龍精及其第三個兒子。後來其幼子修練成為鐵背虬龍,烏龍精則修練成為烏靈聖母。   The Snake Demon and his sons were beheaded by Xu Zhenjun (Xu Xun, one of the Taoist gods) for doing a lot of evil. However, Xu Zhenjun let go of Oolong Demon and her third son. Later, her younger son trained to become the Iron-backed Horned Dragon, and the Oolong Demon became the HM Wuling.    許遜 信仰在 宋 朝被朝廷倡導, 宋徽宗 時上尊號為「神功妙濟真君」。這可引來了 烏靈聖母 極度不滿,加上 烏靈聖母 的徒弟 普風 ,是 岳 家軍此前的一大強敵,給 岳 家軍造成了不少麻煩,還暗算了幾員大將,自然也難逃被 岳 家軍誅殺的命運。也因此 烏靈聖母 對 宋 朝的不滿達到了極點。   Xu Xun belief was advocated by the court in Song Dynasty. Drew extreme dissatisfaction with  HM Wuling.  In addition...

第7籤 乙丑籤 國公暗察白袍將 The Chief Duke Secretly Seeks the White Robe General

  第7籤  乙丑籤 國公暗察白袍將 The Chief Duke Secretly Seeks the White Robe General    唐太宗 要遠征 高句麗 前,夢見白袍將軍保駕戰勝 高句麗 而歸;此白袍將軍即後來的戰將 薛仁貴 。兵馬總管 張士貴 以女婿 何宗憲 假冒白袍將軍,設計欺騙 薛仁貴 ,說皇帝要殺他,令其隱於軍中廚房當伙夫。在戰爭中, 薛仁貴 屢屢建功,但是都被 張士貴 將功勞記於 何宗憲 名下。   Before Tang Taizong was going to expedition to Goguryeo, he dreamed that the white-robed general protected him and defeated Goguryeo; this white-robed general was the later general Xue Rengui. The military and horse chief Zhang Shigui used his son-in-law He Zongxian to impersonate the white-robed general and designed to deceive Rengui, saying that the emperor wanted to kill him and make him hide in the kitchen of the army. In the war, Rengui repeatedly made contributions, but Zhang Shigui kept his contributions in the name of Zongxian.   有一天國公 尉遲恭 在兩軍交戰時發現白袍人,但在混亂中錯失了找到本尊的機會。又有一次遇敵軍埋伏, 尉遲恭 危急中得白袍人解救,想要前往認清為何人,還是錯過了。   One day the Chief Duke Wei Chigong found the white-robed man during the battle between the two armies, but missed the opportunity to find the white-...

第8籤 乙卯籤 薛仁貴回家 Xue Rengui Came Home

第8籤 乙卯籤  薛仁貴回家 Xue Rengui Came Home    太宗 皇帝親征 高句麗 ,凱旋歸來後晉封 薛仁貴 為平遼王,並御賜在故鄉建造王府,王府落成後地方官吏、士紳名流都來道賀。   Emperor Taizong personally conquered Goguryeo. After returning triumphantly, he named Xue Rengui the King of Pingliao and gave him the construction of a palace in his hometown. After the palace was completed, local officials, gentry and celebrities came to congratulate him.    薛 仁貴 在賀卡中,看見伯父 薛雄 的卡片,立即要家丁把 薛雄 送來的禮物全退回去。原來早年 薛仁貴 落魄時,曾找 薛雄 濟助, 薛雄 不但不給予幫助,還把他奚落了一頓。   Xue Rengui saw his uncle Xue Xiong's card in those greeting cards, and immediately asked his servant to return all the gifts Xue Xiong sent. It turned out that when Xue Rengui was in despair in his early years, he had asked Xue Xiong for help. Xue Xiong not only refused to give him help, but also ridiculed him.    薛雄 的賀禮被退後,準備了三千兩銀子親自到王府要向侄兒 薛仁貴 道賀。 薛仁貴 氣得要把 薛雄 趕出去,他的好友兼管家 王茂生 即時跪下說:「兄弟王爺請別動肝火,這樣做,讓不知底細的局外人看在眼裡,不會說閒話嗎?晉爵封王當了大官,連自己的宗親伯父都不認了,這話一傳開,有損兄弟清譽,請兄弟三思。」語畢 薛仁貴 趕緊扶起 王茂生 ,同時親自到門前迎接伯父。   Xue Xiong's gift was retreat...

第9籤 乙巳籤 龍虎軍鬪 Dragon Army VS. Tiger Army

第9籤 乙巳籤 龍虎軍鬪 Dragon Army VS. Tiger Army    唐 朝大將 薛仁貴 在隨軍東征途中,在一奇境內因一時好心,誤放了上古時期作惡多端的青龍。   On the way to the east with the army, the general of the Tang Dynasty, Xue Rengui, in a fantastic place because of his good intentions, let go of a green dragon that had done a lot of evil in the ancient times.   為此九天玄女特賜 薛仁貴 異於常人的神力及法寶,供其與東遼元帥(為青龍在人間的化身)戰鬥時使用。 薛仁貴 征東時,果然遇到東遼元帥,一陣惡鬥後終於降服東遼元帥,班師回朝。   For this, Jiutian Xuannü (Chinese goddess of war) specially gave Xue Rengui extraordinary strength and a magic weapon for him to use when fighting with the Dongliao Marshal (the incarnation of the green dragon). Xue Rengui met the Marshal of Dongliao when he was conquering the east. After a fierce battle, he finally defeated the Marshal of Dongliao and led the army back to the imperial court. 故事來源:清代小說《薛仁貴征東》 鬪:同「鬥」,音ㄉㄡˋ (音同「豆」) 詳細故事請參閱 第32籤「龍虎交會」 。 For the detailed story, please refer to Lot 32 "Dragon and Tiger Fair" 故事喻意  Story Metaphor: 對於已犯下的錯誤,只要有勇氣面對並努力彌補,問題自會迎刃而解,在過程中也會為自己增加豐富的人生閱...

第10籤 乙未籤 岳飛掠秦檜 Yue Fei Plunders Qin Hui

第10籤 乙未籤  岳飛掠秦檜 Yue Fei Plunders Qin Hui   傳說 岳飛 前世是隻大鵬鳥, 秦檜 前世為鐵背虯龍,大鵬鳥誤認為鐵背虯龍是邪靈妖精,而啄瞎鐵背虯龍的左眼。   Legend has it that Yue Fei was a roc in his previous life, and Qin Hui was an Iron-backed Horned Dragon in his previous life. The roc mistakenly believed that the Iron-backed Horned Dragon was an evil spirit, and pecked the left eye of the Iron-backed Horned Dragon.   當年鐵背虯龍本來要被感天大帝 許遜 斬殺(相關故事參閱第6籤),僥倖逃過之後便生善心,潛心修行,期待有一天能功德圓滿而位列仙班, 卻被大鵬鳥一時誤會所傷,成仙之路也就此中斷。   The Iron-Backed Horned Dragon was supposed to be beheaded by Xu Xun (for the related story, please refer to Lot 6). After he escaped by chance, he became kind and devoted himself to practice, hoping that one day he would be able to complete his merits and be in the immortal class. However, he was hurt by a roc misunderstanding, and the road to becoming immortal was interrupted.   之後大鵬鳥降生為 岳飛 ,滿腹怨氣的鐵背虯龍便轉世成 秦檜 ,專門扯 岳飛 後腿。    After that, the roc was born as Yue Fei, and the resentful Iron-Backed Horned Dragon was reincarnated as ...

第11籤 乙酉籤 韓文公過秦巔湘子掃霜雪 Han Wengong Went Over the Mountains, Xiangzi Swept Away the Heavy Snow for Him

 第11籤 乙酉籤  韓文公過秦巔湘子掃霜雪 Han Wengong Went Over the Mountains, Xiangzi Swept Away the Heavy Snow for Him    韓愈 為 唐 朝大官,過世之後被追諡文公,故稱 韓文公 。 憲宗 時期 韓愈 寫了一篇《諫迎佛骨表》表達反佛立場,觸怒了天子而被貶至 潮州 (今 廣東 )當刺史。   Han Yu was an official of the Tang Dynasty. After his death, he was pursued as Wen Gong (a duke with literary literacy), so he was called Han Wen Gong. During the Xianzong period, Han Yu wrote an "Admonition to the Buddha's Bone Table" expressing an anti-Buddha position, which offended the emperor and was demoted to Chaozhou (now Guangdong) as a governor.   在前往 潮州 的途中經過 藍田關 時遇到大雪封山無路可走。韓愈正在感嘆皇上不殺我,而我卻要死在老天爺手裡時,從小常因不學無術而被他責備的侄孫 韓湘子 (八仙之一)突然現身,並解下腰中佩劍向前一指,路上大雪頓時溶化給 韓愈 開路,順利到達 潮州 任職。    When passing Lantian Pass on the way to Chaozhou, he encountered heavy snow and had nowhere to go. When Han Yu was lamenting that the emperor didn’t kill me, but I was about to die in the hands of God, his grand-nephew Han Xiangzi (one of the Eight Immortals), who was often blamed by him for not learning, s...

第12籤 乙亥籤 智遠戰瓜精 Zhiyuan V.S. Melon Spirit

第12籤 乙亥籤  智遠戰瓜精    劉知遠 幼年喪父,隨母親改嫁後被繼父逐出。同村的富翁 李文奎 認為他是個人才,因而招贅 劉知遠 ,將女兒 李三娘 許配給他,但 李文奎 的兒子 李洪三 強烈反對。   Liu Zhiyuan lost his father when he was young, and was driven out of the house by his stepfather after his mother remarried.  Li Wenkui, a rich man in the same village, thinks Liu Zhiyuan is an individual talent, so he betrothed his daughter Li Sanniang to him. But Li Wenkui's son Li Hongsan strongly opposed.    李文奎 過世後, 李洪三 命 劉知遠 去看守瓜園,想藉瓜園內的瓜精之手害死 劉知遠 。哪知孔武有力的 劉知遠 一番拼搏後反而殺了瓜精,得到兵書和寶劍,在妻子的鼓勵下, 劉知遠 外出從軍,打下自己的一片天。   After Li Wenkui passed away, Li Hongsan ordered Liu Zhiyuan to guard the melon garden, trying to use the Melon S pirit  in the melon garden to kill Liu Zhiyuan.  But after a hard fight, Liu Zhiyuan, who was very powerful, killed the melon spirit and obtained the book of war and the sword. Encouraged by his wife, Liu Zhiyuan went out to join the army and made his own world. 💕同故事的其他標題:知遠戰瓜精 ❤故事來源: 元 代南戲《劉知遠白兔記》 💜故事喻意: 💜Story Metaphor: 1.不要小瞧任何一個小人物,...

第13籤 丙子籤 撐渡伯行船遇太歲 The Ferryman Meets Tai Sui When He Was Working

第13籤 丙子籤  撐渡伯行船遇太歲    桃花姐 要渡河時,撐渡伯見她俏皮可愛,便和她約定要唱歌互褒,若 桃花姐 贏了可以免費渡河,但若是撐渡伯贏了,就可以娶 桃花姐 為妻;聰明的 桃花姐 與撐渡伯約定以月份為開頭,並且由撐渡伯先唱;月份有十二個月,自然是誰先唱先輸,最後撐渡伯只好免費送 桃花姐 渡河。   When Sister Taohua was about to cross the river, Seeing her cute, the Ferryman agreed with her to sing and praise each other. If Sister Taohua wins, she can cross the river for free, but if  the Ferryman wins, he can marry Sister Taohua as his wife; Sister Taohua and the Ferryman agreed to start with the month, and the Ferryman sang first; there are twelve months in the month, so naturally whoever sings first loses, and the Ferryman had to send Taohua across the river for free. ❤故事來源:南管小戲《桃花過渡》 💜故事喻意: 💜Story Metaphor: 雖然表面上做的是無實質收入的白工,但卻可獲得金錢買不到的愉快心情。 Although it looks like a waste of time without real income, it can get a happy mood that money can't buy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 相關文章: 掛頭故事與解籤 Related Articles : The Story and Its Metaphor in the Divine Metaphor Pap...

第14籤 丙寅籤 桃園三結義 Became Brothers in the Peach Garden

第14籤 丙寅籤  桃園三結義    東漢 末年,宦官專權又處處鬧饑荒,一時之間土匪強盜四起,官府只好公告召募民兵防禦。   At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the eunuchs had powers and there was famine everywhere. Bandits broke out all at once, and the government had to announce the recruitment of militias for defense.    劉備 看了公告忍不住長吁短嘆。忽然聽到背後有人喝道:「男子漢大丈夫,不為國家出力,嘆氣有啥用?」這人正是市場裡賣豬肉的 張飛 。二人發現彼此志趣相投,便就近找家小館談論。正談得入興,鄰座來了一位紅面大漢,催店小二上菜,說要趕著去投軍。劉備看他威儀不俗,便邀請他一起入座,而這人正是 關羽 。   Liu Bei couldn't help but sigh after reading the announcement. Suddenly he heard someone shouting from behind: "Man, you don't work for the country. What's the use of sighing?" This person is Zhang Fei who sells pork in the market. The two found that they were like-minded, so they went to the nearest restaurant to discuss. The conversation was in a good mood, when a big red-faced man came to the next seat, urging the shopkeeper to serve food, saying that he would rush to join the army. When Liu Bei saw his prestige, he invited him to take a seat with him, ...

第15籤 丙辰籤 渭水河太公釣魚

第15籤 丙辰籤  渭水河太公釣魚    姜子牙 三十二歲上 崑崙山 ,跟隨 元始天尊 學習道法四十年。 元始天尊 算出殷 商 氣數已盡,命 子牙 下山扶 周 滅 紂 。   Jiang Ziya went to Kunlun Mountain at the age of thirty-two and studied Taoism with Yuanshi Tianzun for 40 years. Yuanshi Tianzun calculated that the Shang Dynasty was exhausted, and ordered Ziya to go down the mountain to help Zhou(周) and destroy Shang.    姜子牙 下山後,先找了拜把兄弟 宋異人 敍舊,再娶了妻子。為了養家,先後到城裡賣過竹掃帚、麵粉、豬羊,也開過飯館,但總是做什麼虧什麼,而這中間出本錢的都是 宋異人 。後來 宋異人 知道 子牙 擅長算命卜卦,就在南門外,打點了一間房子,掛起「鐵口直斷」的招牌。    子牙 卜卦相當靈驗,沒多久就遠近馳名,不信邪的琵琶精化成一位俏佳人前來問卜,想試試 子牙 的功力;沒想到一照面, 子牙 便伸手扣住她的命門把她打死,事情鬧進了皇官, 子牙 堅稱這婦人是妖物,當場用三昧真火,將琵琶精燒出原形, 紂 王看他身懷絕學,封他為下大夫。   這琵琶精是 紂 王寵妃 妲己 的姐妹淘,眼看他活活被子牙燒死,便聳悀 紂 王建造鹿台,這鹿台工程浩大勞民傷財, 子牙 諫言建造鹿台只有百害而無一利, 紂 王大怒,要把他捉來冶罪處死, 子牙 眼看瞄頭不對便遁逃回家。回到家後,妻子 馬 氏見 子牙 丟了官,氣得要求離婚揚長而去, 子牙 便向 宋異人 辭別,隱居 蹯溪 每日到渭水河邊釣魚,等待時機。 💙妲:音ㄉㄚˊ ,音同「答」。  蹯:音ㄈㄢˊ ,音同「煩」。  ❤故事來源: 明 初小說《封神演義》 💜故事喻意: 1.一但有了目標,就堅定的朝目標邁進,其他的事都是多餘徒勞的。 2.人生有時就是在等一個機會,但機會來臨前,您做好準備了嗎? 💛史實考證補充: 民間故事常常與歷史記載不相符,不過籤詩故事只是為了給予抽籤者解方的啟發,所以故事的真偽不是重點。但為使讀者不會因故事解而有錯誤的歷史過程認知(...

第16籤 丙午籤 李世民初遊地府

 第16籤 丙午籤  李世民初遊地府   昏睡中的 李世民 恍惚間來到酆都城,一位文官跪拜路旁,自稱是先帝舊臣 崔玨 ,特地在此恭迎聖駕。    崔玨 引導李世民來到 森羅殿 ,閻羅天子 秦廣王 說出兩件訴訟案,原告都認為是含冤而死,要 李世民 還他們公道。 秦廣王 說:「 涇河 龍王告你言而無信,既然答應救他,還幫倒忙幫 魏徵 搧涼。」接著又說:「龍王跑得快, 魏徵 追得上氣不接下氣,要不是你幫他搧涼,龍王還有逃命的希望!」 李世民 答辯說:「當時在睡夢中,我確實答應過要救他,事後也如他所托,召 魏徵 在午時前到宮裡下棋,棋局還沒結束, 魏徵 已打鼾睡著了。沒多久,看他大汗淋漓,怎知道他分身這時正在追殺龍王?我為 魏徵 搧涼也是一番好意,要讓 魏徵 睡過午時,好讓龍王逃過劫難啊。」    秦廣王 安靜的沉思了一會,說道:「第二案: 李建成 、 李元吉 二位哭訴你不念親情殺害兄弟,這又怎麼說?」 李世民 回答:「多年來我南征北討立下汗馬功勞,父親原本有意立我為太子,我再三婉拒,禮讓給大哥 建成 ,可是他卻一直把我當作眼中釘;他們曾在筵席中對我下毒,又共謀在 玄武門 暗殺我,好在 尉遲恭 眼明手快救了我,而他們自己在那場戰役中戰死也罪不在我。」    秦廣王 不置可否,卻要 崔玨 先查看 李世民 的陽壽有多少? 崔玨 打開生死簿,大吃一驚,簿上註明「貞觀一十三年」。 崔玨 受 魏徵 之託,要幫 李世民 延壽,只得在「一」上偷偷地加了一筆,變成「貞觀二十三年」了。 李世民 辭別了 秦廣王 ,路過 枉死城 ,借用了編草鞋老夫婦所寄存的庫錢,散發給 枉死城 內的孤魂野鬼,返回陽世後還舉辦水陸法會替他們超渡。這趟「地府之旅」,讓 李世民 積了不少陰德,也讓他多享受了十年的帝王生活。 ❤故事來源: 明 朝 吳承恩 所著小說《西遊記》(世德堂本)第十回至第十二回的版本。 《維基百科》 💙玨:同「珏」 ,音ㄐㄩㄝˊ(音同「決」);兩塊玉合成的玉器。 💜故事喻意: 1.光明磊落多造善,自然不怕走入地獄門。 2.被人請託時,要考慮對那人及其請託事物的了解程度,以免累了自己做白功,還遭人怨懟。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 相關文章...

第17籤 丙申籤 姜尚未卜吉凶事

第17籤 丙申籤  姜尚未卜吉凶事  前期故事請參閱 第15籤「渭水河太公釣魚」 。    周文王 被 紂 王囚禁七年後逃回 西岐 ,虛心的四處尋訪賢才。而 姜子牙 丟了烏紗帽後到 墦溪 隱居,便經常到 渭水 釣魚,倒也自得其樂。   有一天,樵夫 武吉 想要看 姜子牙 釣魚的成果,提起魚簍,哇!空空的,竟然連魚簍底也破了個大窟窿,魚鈎還是直的,像支綉花針, 武吉 作夢也想不到,這老頭居然如此之笨,捧著肚子笑彎了腰。 姜子牙 回過頭說:「我寧可直中取,不願曲中求,少年郎,你明白其中的道理嗎?」接著咪著眼對 武吉 說:「你就要鬧人命,大禍臨頭了,還敢笑我?」「老阿伯!愛說笑,我天天砍柴賣柴,十幾年從來沒和人爭吵過,我會打死人?笑話!」 武吉 嘻笑自若,「不跟你鬥嘴啦!再見。」兩人互相嘲笑一番後, 武吉 挑著柴回家了。    武吉 進了城,套在扁擔上的麻繩突然鬆脫,前重後輕,扁擔一個翻轉,正好打在迎面而來的阿兵哥腦袋上,那人慘叫一聲後就死了,殺人償命, 武吉 懇求先讓他回家向老母辭別,三天後再來服刑。但三天過去後, 武吉 卻沒來報到,「 西岐 城有人敢蔑視王法?」文王覺得很訝異,占了一卦,卦象顯示 武吉 已經跳水自殺了。隔年春天 文王 上山狩獵遇到 武吉 時大吃一驚,自己所占的卦竟然不凖,追問之後才知道是 姜子牙 爲 武吉 掩卦救了他一命。 文王 很高興人外有人,不但赦免了 武吉 ,還要他引薦 姜子牙 。    周文王 齋戒沐浴,極盡虔誠到 墦溪 拜請 姜子牙 扶助 西歧 。這時 姜子牙 已經八十高齡, 文王 請 姜子牙 先上了車,自己却拖著車子往前走。 姜子牙 若無其事地坐在車上,才走了一會兒, 文王 已經汗流浹背,不得不停下來。 子牙 正色問道:「大王還能多走幾步嗎?」 周文王 氣喘如牛,客氣地說:「已經盡力了。」 姜子牙 默默地數著,剛才這一段路程, 周文王 正好走了八十步, 周 朝天紀八百年,這也差强人意了。 文王 返回 西歧 ,封 姜子牙 爲右靈生丞相, 子牙 也不負所托,擬定了興 周 滅 紂 大計,奠定了 周 朝八百年基業。 ❤故事來源:明初小說《封神演義》 💜故事喻意:  完成事情的方法有許多種,不需設限於固定方法。 💙相關戲劇: 封神演義 : 由 楊曉明 導演, 鄧倫 、 王麗坤 、 羅晉 等人主演之電視連續劇,於2019...

第17籤 丙申籤 卦頭故事2 莊子破棺

第17籤 丙申籤 卦頭故事2  莊子破棺    有一天 莊子 出門郊遊,經過墳場,大太陽下看見一位穿著孝服的少婦,手拿扇子很認真地在搧一座新墳。 莊子 覺得很奇怪,一問之下才知道原來墳墓裡埋葬的是她的丈夫,臨死之前對她說:「假如有適當的對象,也得等到墳土乾了再嫁人。」所以她才來趕工,想趁早把墳土搧乾。 莊子 便決定幫她的忙,接過扇子連搖三下,墳土就乾了。少婦千謝萬謝,歡天喜地的回家,連扇子都忘了。   回到家中 莊子 把這件新鮮事和妻子 田 氏分享, 田 氏聽後大罵這婦人無情無義,並搶過 莊子 手中那把扇子把它撕得粉碎。過不了幾天 莊子 突然得了怪病,眼看就要斷氣了,含著淚對 田 氏說:「可惜幾天前你將扇子給撕破了,不然也可再用來搧墳土。」 田 氏卻一臉正經,對天發誓從一而終,決不再嫁人。 莊子 聽完便面露微笑的走了。    莊子 死後第七天,忽然有位穿著華麗的少年郎來拜望老師,身邊還跟著一位老書僮。少年見老師已故,哀傷地在靈前祭拜,並且堅持要留下來為老師守靈百日。 田 氏看這位少年模樣不賴便答應了。 孤男寡女共處一室沒幾天便彼此看上了眼,把靈位、棺材一併搬到後面的柴房,拜過天地後便攜手入了洞房。正要解衣上床,新郎突然大叫一聲,倒在床前直打哆嗦, 田 氏嚇得呼叫老書僮救人。   老書僮說:「這是老毛病復發,他身邊還有藥方,但是必須用人腦來調和才救得了命。」山居野外,哪來的人腦? 田 氏懇求老書僮一定要想辦法,老書僮想了想說:「人死後百日內腦髓未乾,還可以配藥。」 田 氏一聽,緩緩走進柴房,隨手拿起砍柴的斧頭,朝棺材劈下,棺材應聲而破,這時 莊子 忽然挺身站了起來,哇!居然沒死。    田 氏嬌聲地說:「奴家日夜想念夫君,剛聽到棺材裡面有聲響,想必是老公還魂復活,特地來開棺救人。」 莊子 神情漠然,「娘子,妳自以為比那搧墳的寡婦更有情有義是嗎?」說完手一招,少年和書僮赫然站在眼前, 田 氏完全崩潰了,恍惚間腳步一個踉蹌打翻了油燈,火上加油,風助火勢,一時火光熊熊,偌大的草堂片刻之間已化為灰燼。 💕同故事的其他標題:莊子試妻 ❤故事來源: 明 末 清 初 馮夢龍 所著小說《警示通言》 💜故事喻意: 1.「坦率直白」較易達到目地,「虛情假意」最後勢必破局。 2.人們容易以言詞嚴厲批判他人,卻未曾想過當自己遇到相同狀況時,是否也會堅守自己口中的道德底線...