籤頭故事與解籤 The Stories and Their Metaphors on the Divine Metaphor Papers
廟宇的靈籤除了正中間的主要籤文外,往往會在右下方列出籤頭故事的標題。籤頭故事來源多為戲曲、小說、民間故事和俚語。因為古人識字者不多,識字且學問淵博者更是少數,往往無法自行解籤,所以需要以故事去思考神明的指示為何。 In addition to the main sign in the middle of the temple’s oracle poem, one or two story titles will be listed on the bottom right. The sources of stories are mostly operas, novels, folk tales and slang. Because the ancients didn't know many characters, and those who knew characters and were knowledgeable were even rarer, they were often unable to understand the metaphors of poems on their own. So the questioner needs to use stories to think about the instructions of the gods. 以故事解 籤的方法,就是將自己與故事主角的處境重疊,以同理心去思考及體會解方。有的 籤會有二個掛頭故事,則只需擇取其中一個和自己處境相近的故事去思考即可。 The way to solve the sign with the story is to overlap the situation of oneself and the protagonist of the story, and to think and experience the solution with empathy. Some signings will have two hanging stories, so you only need to choose one of the stories that is similar to your own situatio...