第44籤 剝卦 44th DMP: Bo
第44籤 剝卦 44th Divine Metaphor Paper: Bo (Splitting Apart) 剝:不利有攸往。 初六:剝床以足,蔑貞 凶。 六二:剝床以辨,蔑貞 凶。 六三:剝之無咎。 六四:剝床以膚,凶。 六五:貫魚以宮,人寵,無不利。 上九:碩果不食,君子得輿,小人剝廬。 --------------------------- 註:大部份的易經書籍,爻詞斷點均以逗號標註。本宮以文法邏輯判斷略作調整。 --------------------------- 剝:不利有攸往。 剝卦:不宜前往任何地方。 Bo: Not to go anywhere. 當發現內部有分裂崩解的問題時,應先留下來解決問題,不適合出發前往下一個目標。 When it is found that there is a problem of disintegration, it should be left to solve the problem, and it is not suitable to set off to the next goal. --------------------------- 初六:剝床以足,蔑貞凶。 最初的陰爻:由床腳開始脫落裂解,鄙棄正直的原則帶來不幸。 Six at the beginning means: Begin to fall off and crack from the foot of the bed. Despising principles of integrity bring misfortune. 蔑: 輕視、侮辱、鄙棄。 Despise, insult, despise. 一開始時,由下方開始一點點毀壞,若此時隨波逐流不堅守正道,就是不幸的開始。 At the beginning, it will be destroyed a little from the bottom. If you follow the trend and don't stick to the right path at this time, it will be the beginning of misfortune. --------------------------- 六二:剝床以辨,蔑貞凶。 位於第二層的陰爻:床的邊緣...