
目前顯示的是 10月, 2021的文章

中壇元帥 Marshal of the Central Altar

上圖來自網路,若有侵權,告知即刪   中壇元帥就是三太子哪吒(音同:挪乍)。不過哪吒是祂在民間故事中的名字,在宗教經典中則多稱其為那吒(發音相同)。   Marshal of the Central Altar is Third Lotus Prince Nezha. The writing of his Chinese name is different from that in folklore and religious books.   在中國,可追溯的相關資料,最早是編纂於宋代的《太平廣記》。這本書成書於西元978年,是一本經皇帝下令官方收集民間野史及小說雜著而成的書。合理推測三太子的民間傳說及相關信仰崇拜,於成書前即已廣為流傳。一般人印象深刻的《封神演義》及《西遊記》,則是十六世紀才有的創作。所以不應以此二書中所描述(尤其是 《封神演義》中 ,關於 祂「兒童時期」的劣蹟惡行) ,來認知這位天神。   In China, the traceable information is the earliest "Taiping Guangji" compiled in the Song Dynasty. This book was finished in 978 AD. It is a book that was ordered by the emperor to collect official folk histories and novels. It is reasonable to speculate that the folklore and related beliefs of the Third Lotus Prince had been widely circulated before the book was written. The "Investiture of the Gods (Feng Shen Yan Yi)" and "Journey to the West", which are impressive to most people, were created only in the 16th century. Therefore, we should not recog...

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